Professional Women's Network

Recurring PWN Events

Monthly Events


Kim Olver is a long-standing PWN member who loves to help aspiring authors write and publish their first book. Everyone has a book in them but less than 1% if the population will ever publish one. Why? Because it's hard and many people don't know how to do it. As a four time published author, Kim has a system for helping PWN members get their books written and published. Armed with information and Kim's system, you'll be able to get yours done, too. Writers Group meets monthly on the last Monday of the month at 7 PM Central over Zoom. PWN members get 50% off Kim's regular price and pay only $247 for one year. Contact and join the next session. The first one is complimentary.


This group meets periodically with a keynote speaker providing a presentation over lunch. PWN brings in professionals and experts to share their knowledge and experience with those who attend. A great opportunity to grow and network with professional women in a variety of fields.


Sharing a glass of wine and a lively book discussion is a great way to grow fun and friendship with other women. Some of the books discussed are PWN member authors directly. New book discussion at each meeting announced a month in advance to give you time to read.

Third Friday Breakfasts

Networking with other professionals and sharing proven marketing and sales strategies is the best way to grow your business and yourself! Focused on utilizing best in practice techniques in various areas of marketing, this group meets on a regular basis with speakers and topics changing monthly.

Speakers Workshop

Lose your fear of public speaking! This group is focused on developing member speaking skills and helping women find their authentic voice in a safe space. This group also serves as a launching pad to potential speaking opportunities.

Special Events

Everybody Matters Mentoring Roundtables

This Members Only benefit where confidentiality is key. Facilitated by a Certified Professional Coach, providing mutual support, guidance, and experiences of the group as a whole to identify helpful resources. The group meets monthly in person.

Smart Chicks

PWN’s signature annual event where we pick the brains of really smart chicks! This is a “must attend” event with a luncheon, keynote speaker, auction, door prizes and of course incredible networking opportunities!

Meet & Greet Business Afterhours

New events created as an opportunity for new members and existing members to come together in a more casual way to enjoy networking, promoting their business, and socializing. Will be filled with fun and surprises!


PWN has been a huge part of my life, both professionally and personally.  Over the years I have met and relied upon so many of the PWN members.  It’s an extremely smart, savvy, helpful and connected group of women.  My business grew from the PWN relationships developed over the years.  Opportunities of serving on the PWN Board, facilitating the monthly Sales Networking Group and coordinating major events for PWN honed many of my skills and brought me so much joy. Most of all, I met many of my closest friends through PWN.  Professional Women’s Network, a fabulous organization of “SHEroes” to be a part of through all seasons of my life!

- Debbie Cladis